Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Opening {Friends}

Good morning/afternoon,

You know people never really value what they have until they loose it, yes maybe when you read this line you'll think well this isn't the first time someone says that. Yeah, yeah... but I just want share from personal experience, not that I didn't value my friend until she was gone it was more like she didn't value me until I was gone. Now I get e-mails, msn spamming from her, you see here is the thing this is how a normal conversation with her would go:

Me: Hi sup?
Her: Nm..Look I'm busy talking to my REAL friends

I'd just laugh it off, but what really ticked me off is when she came to me and told me that all her "REAL" friends are dissing her, now she wants us to be "bff"s, because according to her she realised that I'm a good friend because I took all her crap with a smile, but apparently they didn't
WELL point is, real friends or good ones at least are those who stick by you no matter what happens, not those who ditch you or diss you when you act like pathetic losers
BUT real/good friends don't stick by forever you gotta find them and hold onto them

Next time, I'm going to talk about myself, personality wise and stuff :P

Song of the day: Crawling- Linkin Park
Mood: Not so good
Line of week: "I want a kitty"